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Los Angeles Child Custody Disputes

Child Custody disputes are the most egregious kinds of disputes.  This may be an issue in a Divorce or a Paternity Action (when parents are not married).

Parents tend to be very emotional about their children and very attached to their point of view.  One parent may feel strongly that the other parent should not have custody and/or visitation for a variety of reasons.  The reasons have to be substantiated in court and therefore may require many court appearances, psychological evaluations of children as well as lawyer representation for the children.  As a result, custody disputes can be:

  1. very time-consuming
  2. very costly
  3. very stressful

Both parents may pay the costs of the evaluation and the Attorney representation for the children depending on the order of the court.  The fees may also be waived or deferred by the court.  Nevertheless, if paid, these fees can be substantial.  Always remember that the courts look to find the best solution for the children.  Once the evidence is presented, the judge will make a decision.

The percentage of time spent with the child is a factor in the Child Support calculation, and so is affected by the custody/visitation decision.  The order will remain in effect until a change in circumstance prompts one or both parents to make a change to the order.

Legal Action Workshop offers LOW FLAT FEES for Child Custody and Family Law matters.  Our experienced Family Law Lawyers help clients throughout Los Angeles County and surrounding cities.  If you have questions regarding Child Custody call us @ 1-800-HELP-444 (1-800-435-7444) or visit our website for more information, .




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