An ‘uncontested divorce' is also sometimes called an ‘amicable divorce’. This is a divorce in which both parties wish to agree on their issues and do not wish to go to court. When parties go to court, it means that they do not agree on one or more issues and as a result, the court needs to make … Read more about What is an Uncontested Divorce?
7 Mistakes that People make on their Divorce Papers:
Here is a list of some of the common mistakes that people make when completing their divorce paperwork: 1.) People may not be consistent with their name. They may spell it one way on the intial paperwork and another way on subsequent documents. They may add an initial or a middle name. This … Read more about 7 Mistakes that People make on their Divorce Papers:
5 Reasons Why You Should See an Attorney for Your Divorce:
An experienced Attorney can help you in the following areas: 1.) give you legal advice so that you know your legal options and what is reasonable in your case. 2.) guarantee that your divorce will be finalized if your spouse does not respond. If your spouse does respond the attorney can follow … Read more about 5 Reasons Why You Should See an Attorney for Your Divorce: